Monday, March 2, 2015

Who Are You?

Who are you? 

There is no 'me' in the 'I'...means that there is no longer a separate idea of self, referencing a personal history, likes and dislikes, etc. 

Depends on what point of view the question is asked.  If you think you are a person, I appear to you as a person also.  If you know that there is no me and no you, there is no question to be answered, because there is no duality between us.  We are aspects of the One. 

What is enlightenment, are there any qualifications for enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a concept conceived by mind as a superior state.  In reality there is no lack, no seeking, and no seeker after enlightenment.  Our natural state is free from lack.

What do you say about self-inquiry?

Self inquiry is the master key in unlocking the door of false perceptions.  Who am I really?  Am I my thoughts, my body?  The very question creates a distancing from the you which you formerly took yourself to be.

What is the true understanding of the world?

The world is created out of the mind’s imagination.  Your interests predispose you to circumstances of the world, the world you experience.

Do you have a mind, does it have to be destroyed?

The good news is that you are only one thought away from being free from mind, which is only consciousness which has been channeled into the idea of a separate person.  We reincarnate in each moment that we pick up the thought “ I am so and so.”

Do vasanas need to be removed first?

No, all that is needed is to be aware of them by witnessing.  There is no need to remove or reject anything that is already transient, which comes and goes.

 Are there stages of enlightenment?

No, there can be many insights. But the final break comes with the total annihilation of dependence on thought.

Who is the guru? Is a guru necessary, what is a guru’s role, how to recognize the true guru?

The Guru is your own Self.  When there is a sincere longing, your own Self may appear in the form of a teacher.  The Guru’s role is to illuminate one’s Self.

Please say something about bhakti, devotion in the role of enlightenment!

Devotion comes without effort.  Just as love does not need approval of the mind to know itself – it is spontaneous.  Devotion is being in spontaneous joy – like when seeing the smile of an infant or a beautiful sunset.  It overwhelms.  It does not need to be validated by the mind.

Describe your typical day and how you perceive the world.

I don’t have any expectations.  I perceive the world as dreamlike, and I respond instead of react.

What is your short advice to a person with a passion for awakening?

Watch what you do in your free time.  Observe the tendencies of the mind to prefer one thing over another.  Use selfinquiry.  Ask yourself:  if all is One, where is the separate ego?  Remember that you are not your body or your thoughts, even though you may not thoroughly understand this.

Contemplate Sat Chit Ananda – when Conciousness comes into recognition of ItSelf as Truth, this is bliss.  Bliss is self-luminous, full with no lack.

1 comment:

  1. This concision is bold, wasting nothing, ready to burn away its thinker. The spark seems to be final boredom with me-ism, even in its most dangerous form of spirituality and pious seeking.

    That wise disgust - it does not matter how it ignites but when it does, it can be one's most valuable perception (ever). It seems we should be grateful for any experience that breaks one's complacent normal oblivion with pain and suffering that leads to one thought: 'this ego *really* sucks ...'
