Sunday, September 27, 2009

Duality in Non-duality

In each moment "I Am" wakes up as I. I wake up inside dream images of a person and a place. There is a dog. There is a new vista. Sensations in the body. Hearing. Seeing. Touching. And I am here! I am always already present even as the senses register my location. Then the I-mind gives coordinates of time and space - like what came before and might come after this moment. This play of consciousness is what I am - the whole of it, all inclusive - and it is Life itself. Life is the entire play, the appearances and disappearances, duality in non-duality.

I am here! And I have always been here. The eternal witness. The Self of all I's. Now, and now, and now................

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dear Readers

Because of very poor internet service I have not been able to publish since August 10th (and very few posts since June). Please check back periodically as I am endeavoring to fix the problem with the local internet provider in India.

Thanks for all your feedback to my posts by email. Let's open it up a bit more - your "comments" are encouraged for all to see and benefit from.
