Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Am Presence Prior to All Manifestation

I Am Presence prior to all manifestation, and yet all that

appears as manifested is My Self.

I Am the only Enjoyer enjoying MySelf, in joy, which is My


I Am Being, the first and only I, One.

I Am and only I Am.

I Am known as Being, felt as Existence, Consciousness,


The Knower is My Own Self and yet there is nothing I know,

only my manifestation knows, because I know.

This Knowing is the Presence and the Present.

When Consciousness comes into recognition of ItSelf as Awareness, This is Bliss.

Sat Chit Ananda.


  1. True, True and TRUE!
    Jake - SelfAwareWorld.com

  2. When all illusions are shattered and any beliefs are seen to be fabrications, all temporary and dependent on conditions which will eventually change...then for some there comes "The moment of truth". But, why not Now? Living less in the mind and more in the moment, everything is fueled from a deeper level than our thoughts. All is infused and charged with Being*Consciousness*Awareness(Sat Chit Ananda). Let it Be.


  3. Yes, beautifully stated.

    As long as there remains the slightest fascination with thought, and the mind-works in general, the "Why not Now"? question comes from an egoic subject position which contains the illusions and beliefs of separateness.

  4. "a constellation of thoughts."

    I still think fondly of that phrase...

    and of you, of course!
