Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unconditional Acceptance

That which is unconditionally accepting is not attached to your expectations.
That which is unconditionally accepting has always been with the you that has been constantly changing throughout your life.
That which is unconditionally accepting is the silent detached Self, within the you that is always changing, and it has always been your innermost Self.
That which is your innermost Self is that which you long to be.
That which is your innermost Self is separated from you only by your belief that your mind and body is yourself.
That which is your innermost Self is the true Self of all appearances: you and your world.
That which is your innermost Self is the innermost of all that appears to you because all that appears is within you.
That is the Self.
And you are That.

Excerpt from "Relationship Inquiry"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reality Free of Concepts


Of course i don't need to go to India to "find myself."
I have no concept of reality..... there is no way to find it within my own personal consciousness.
How amazing!
What to do, what to do..?
My own paltry notions of comfort and happiness.... how small they must be in the light of Truth.
So...i cant find it with my mind.
But i keep watching and seeing ever more subtle aspects of what i currently call "me".
and so on and so forth...


To have no concepts about reality - how wonderful! Whatever is
happening, whatever appears and disappears (including the notion of an
experiencer), IS the Real when there are absolutely no
preconceptions superimposed upon what is Now.

Now! Reality is living without reference to thoughts which compare, analyze and interpret.

And there is nothing you can do ultimately to find yourself because
you are not lost. You reference an "idea" of needing to find yourself
because the perfect Self that you already are, here and now, is hidden behind thought - like the sun behind clouds.

Better to be more interested in Consciousness ItSelf, than what you are conscious of. Just breathing in "I AM" without referencing an object - I am this or that, or, I am watching this or that, is quite enough. Just this.

Otherwise, the
endless subtle aspects of the "me" with which you currently misidentify, will manifest even more subtle aspects in order to perpetuate the idea of a "me."
Simply be "I Am" without an object.

There was a time when I realized that anything, and I do mean anything!, that I could add to any sentence beginning with: "I am ..." was absolutely false.

The mind imagines a greater "me." For some this can be the beginning of a spiritual quest. Like Narcissus looking at himself, the mind turns inside to its source and becomes annihilated.

And so on - it's all a play of Consciousness. But so much more fun
when you know you're really not the character you or others are
pretending to be, on the mindscreen of life. Your happiness is not at the effect of events or conditions. Freedom is free of conditions having to be met. Unconditional Love is free from conditions like: I love you because, or I love you if, or I love you when.........

Being Love, unconditionally, is to be free of all preconceived thoughts that superimpose upon the present Now. Freedom is really freedom from thought.

Of course, there is no need to come to India but at the same time
there is no need to feel lost wherever you are. Better to be in an
atmosphere which supports your natural state of unity.
