Sunday, September 27, 2009
Duality in Non-duality
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dear Readers
Monday, August 10, 2009
Doing Nothing with Effort or No Effort? That is the Question
I was recently sent an essay on the subject of Western Neo-Advaita. Because some of the points made in the essay concern differences to classical Advaita, I would like to address two which seem to cause great confusion for most seekers: that of "doing nothing" espoused by Neo-Advaitins, and the question of making effort. The author of the essay also discusses the theory that "vasanas," (tendencies) have to be dealt with before self-realization can occur. Here are my comments:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Beyond Ideas
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Who Knows?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
All is the One Self
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Truth of Love
Thursday, April 9, 2009
In proportion to your fascination with thought you will leave the contentment of the Heart for the imagination of the Mind. In proportion to your fascination with Beingness you will rest in the Heart and ignore the seduction of thought streams which take you always away from Being into metaphors conceptualized by Mind.
Being is always implicated with thinking, with concepts - implicated because it is the very source of concepts, the very source of conception for all appearance that comes into existence as Consciousness Itself. Being is the very source of one’s sense of self, one’s sense of being alive, of existing; and furthermore, Being is that alone through which existence is known by a thinker.
This stops a cycle we call time. This means that instead of living in time - in our thoughts - we are living NOW, spontaneously.
An individual, the ego, arises in each moment we forget to be in Love, our true nature. When a cord is struck within, and this fills us with inner joy, this is out of time, out of ego, out of thought. We do not need thought to interpret joy - it just is. Love just is. We don’t have to run it by our mind to know when Love is present. It's a mind-bypass. Most people are conducting a Heart-bypass, relying on their minds to figure It out.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Reply to a Young Girl
Jyoti .. i do not know why am sending this email to you maybe cause i feel that you will be a real reflection.. i feel that i do not have any desire to read about the beloved ..i just want to be sooo simple have a simple life .. i want to know how i am .. why i came here.. and this readings which make my mind and heart open i feel that it makes me more thirsty and sometimes i feel that it makes a kind of rules even if it is right .. i want to live more than reading even if i get lost .. sometimes really it is soooo good to be alone to find god find ur self before fallen in love with a person that u see god in him ..but if that happened what
Yes, to be like "a river" is good - not hanging on to the river bank, but letting go and letting yourself be lived by life itself! But, when you think that you are separate, an individual, it is like hanging on to the river bank - getting stuck in ideas about who you think you are does not allow you to be free. So true freedom is really freedom from ideas you have about yourself and the world. Letting go of fixed beliefs.
When you are free from limiting ideas (and ALL thoughts are limiting), love fills your life. Love radiates from you, you become the expression of love.
You have heard already from your readings I am sure that you are already what you are seeking. Even though the clouds cover the sun, the sun is still there - yet not visable. Even though our thoughts veil Absolute Consciousness, the Absolute is still there - yet not seen by the mind.
With love,
with loooove ...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Perspectives on India
India, where you can take nothing for granted, where nothing runs on time, and to every query of "why?" to this or that, there is the universal response of "no problem!"
Saturday, March 7, 2009
"The Unborn," by Zen Master Bankei
Friday, March 6, 2009
Part One: Report on the World Spirituality Conference
The following report published with permission from Spiritual Lifestyles
The WSC’s three-day conference in Erehwon began with a spectacular fireworks display depicting all the religious symbols in the night sky. Attendees representing all religious traditions came, many along with entourages in tow, some sprinkling flower petals on the ground for their holy leaders' feet to walk upon, others sprinkling holy water on each other. Each one wore the garb of their tradition. All kinds of religious objects were brought: incense, prayer wheels, prayer beads, prayer rugs, prayer flags, meditation cushions, special meditation shawls with mantras or holy symbols imprinted on the cloth, zen robes, sadhu dhotis with matching orange shawls, sacred vibuti ash, crosses, jewelry inscribed with Om and other religious symbols, begging bowls, drums, god and goddess deities in gold, bronze, silver, brass and plastic (glow in the dark), crystals, yantras, pyramids, peacock feathers, photo-realistic paintings of Jesus, Mary and saints, talismans, and more.
People who were hoping to meet their next guru also came, and they were happy to pay the high entrance fees and to be recognized among their peers as spiritual seekers, some of whom had been seeking over thirty years. Many attendees could be heard boasting about how many years that had been meditating. Everyone clearly was pleased with themselves for being there. Feather Truthseeker, a fire-walker from
Attendees were given different colored badges to wear depending on their religious affiliation. People with the same ideologies met each other at designated locations marked by flags with their colors. They tended to stay together as a team for the entire 3 days.
In an unofficial report, several apparent members of a non-duality group were distributing flyers stating “If there was a Conference for Jnanis, no one would come.” Conference security staff escorted them off the premises.
It was a truly festive event. Tents, stages, and booths were arranged in a circle, with a main event tent at the center. The spiritual musicians were there, many with their latest CD's for sale. Many people were dancing ecstatically, arms raised to the sky.
There was a special satvic vegetarian food tent, with communal tables. Only holy water was used and all food was either blessed by prayers or disbursed as prasad, depending on which line you queued in.
There was a special tent set up to buy books written by the participants, photographs of their holy blissful faces, and CD's of their talks. Bibles, Torahs, Korans, and other holy books, as well as truckloads of religious objects were sold, along with tapes, videos, and DVD’s. Specially printed stationary, stickers, pens, and notebooks with the conference logo were available along with yoga mats, yoga bags, yoga clothing and yoga towels also embroidered with the conference logo.
Great fire pits were dug in the ground for all sacred rituals. Monks chanted round the clock accompanied by celebrity musicians and singers. Musical instruments were also available to purchase. One yogi was buried in a box to demonstrate his siddhi skill of stopping the breath. When he was lifted out after 72 hours, the crowds began prostrating to him with reverence and awe. People lined up to register for his “supernatural powers” course.
There were forums and discussion panels to attend every hour. Popular religious leaders were chosen to begin and end each session with special prayers and blessings. Although some arguments broke out among panelists who were proselytizing their own point of view, most everyone recognized that the way to handle these outbursts was to refer to the spiritually correct code that they were not the “doers,” particularly the neo-Advaitins. When questions were allowed from the audience, most everyone remembered not to use personal references such as “I” or “you.” Those who paid the V.I.P. entrance fee received transmissions, special initiations and dikshas, custom mantras, and spiritual names. Barbers were available to shave the heads of the newly ordained monks. One retired professor, an eclectic seeker, exclaimed, "I have always wanted to wear ochre sadhu robes and shave my head!" Film makers were eagerly interviewing new monks as they emerged from the "spiritual make-over" tent.
Continued in Part Two, Report on the World Spirituality Conference
- attachment
- attainment
- awareness
- Being
- concept
- consciousness
- detached
- devotees
- dikshas
- doing nothing
- Door of perception
- duality
- effort
- ego
- enlightenment
- existence
- expectations
- Father William MacNamara
- fictional self
- guru
- heart
- holy books
- I
- I am
- India
- individual
- Jnanis
- liberation
- life
- love
- Maya
- me
- meditation
- mental lens
- mind
- Narcissus
- Neo-Advaita
- neo-Advaitins
- new age
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
- non-spiritual
- peace
- perception
- personal space
- phenomena
- phenomenon
- play of consciousness
- practices
- Ramana Maharshi
- real
- Reality
- reincarnation
- religious objects
- Rumi
- sadhanna
- sages
- Sat Chit Ananda
- satsang
- seekers
- Self
- self-inquiry
- senses
- serenity
- silence
- spiritual
- spiritual practices
- story
- teacher
- think
- thinker
- thought
- truth
- vasanas
- witness
- yoga centers